Irish Radio Stations

Radio station

Vesti FM

Vesti FM

Country: Russia
Phone:+7 495 232 15 59
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Vesti FM (Russian: «Вести ФМ») is a radio station based in Russia and owned by VGTRK.

Radio Vesti FM has started broadcasting on February 5, 2008 at 6:00 am Moscow Time.

About Vesti FM

Vesti FM is a well-known radio station located in Moscow, Russia. The station is highly regarded for its focus on current events, news, sports, politics, and business. It broadcasts only in Russian and has become a reliable source of accurate and timely information for its listeners. Vesti FM offers a diverse programming lineup catering to a wide range of listeners, from young professionals to retirees. It provides the latest headlines, political and business discussions, and live sports coverage, including football and hockey games.


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Сегодня послушал Михеева и его описание жизни в Светским Союзе..... До этого считал его как минимум не глупым человеком....
Sehr GUT!!!
Posloucham vas na 1413 khz v Praze. Ok.
Kreml IN zarenpalaftZAR
Citah komeh
Да интересно.Ваша программ в одни ворота.Лож пиздёш и провокация.
Вести стали лучше чем Маяк, НО вам нужно НАУЧИТЬ НЕКОТОРЫХ ведуших говорить, правильной речи, а то они АААкаяют, МЫЫЫЫЫкают , мычат и тянут слова - не понимаю откуда это повелось