Irish Radio Stations

Radio station

Ziniu Radijas

Žinių radijas

Country: Lithuania
Phone:+370 5 2431 430
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"Ziniu radijas" helps achieve the goal!
On March 7, 2000, began broadcasting "Ziniu radijas" has no analogues in Lithuania - weekdays every 20 minutes on Saturday - every 30 minutes it continuously broadcast updated news of Lithuania and the world. This format has attracted a socially active part of society's attention.
During the 16-year of active broadcasting, "Ziniu radijas" became the most operative and objective information channel about the political, economic and social events in the life, culture and sport news.


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I agree Tony! Let the Radio Z broadcast at times in English or German or French (although that cowardly necrophile in Paris may be a reason NOT to broadcast in French).
NOT ALWAYS IN LITHUANIAN! TRYING TO LISTEN TO LITHUANIAN BUT SEEMS THEY ARE TALKING IN RUSSIAN! WHY? Why not speak in English? Russia is not a member of EU or NATO , just because it is a neighbor does not mean it is a friend of Lithuania!