Irish Radio Stations

Radio station

Atlantic Shore Radio

Atlantic Shore Radio

Country: Ireland, Galway
Genre:Country, Easy Listening, Comedy
External Live StreamFormatBitrate

We’re a West of Ireland radio station based in Co. Galway that’s pretty obsessed about country music.  We love the stories, the passion, the performance and the emotion of country music. After all, it’s real musicians playing real instruments, singing about the real world. What’s not to love?

While we are primarily a Country Music Station we also feature popular music, easy listening, traditional and folk music. We like to promote through our radio station the lesser known and local artists whom, sadly, do not feature too much on our Irish county and regional stations. We also promote local heritage, history and folklore. We feel it is most important to support and encourage local programmes and local radio shows and productions.


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An absolutely brilliant station. The music is first class.
Great show Gerry